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MeCard is a Smart Contact management tool for your Business. It is cost effective, time effective.

Excusive Dashboard

MeCard makes exclusive Dashboard to users to view, download, edit and share his/her cards. The user can also change his/her profile detail, password and download invoice and upgrade template and view his/her client database and use exclusive feature of Book appointment and notification.


In Push Notification if an User needs to give any update or pass any notification to any other clients then through this the User can do it within seconds and every client will receive the notification in their own Ecard.

Book Appointment

Through MeCard, the User and end user can Book Appointment with anyone who is having his/her card. Book Appointment and from this the end User with he/she want to Book Appointment will bet the notification about the Appointment with the details of the person who wants to make an Appointment.

Live, Alive

MeCard is based on live URL link. Any update done in card is automatically updated with the cardholder. There is no need to resend the updated card again and again. The Client can change the content of the card N number of times. There is no restriction on editing of the card.

Larger Reach

Unlimited Sharing -MeCard can be send to n numbers of prospects/users. There is no limit on sharing of cards. The card is as fast as sun rays .. your business can reach anywhere in word in one click.

Admin Controller

MeCard makes admin to its client. The client can control the whole functionality of the card. The client have full right to edit/delete and deactivate his card. The total control of the card is with the Client only.

Security In Place

QR Code The data is safe and secured with company. We have very rigid data privacy policy. We are liable for any breach of policy and will take responsibility of any breach of policy from our side. Refer our data privacy policy for more detail.